2024 Offroad Catalog

x X X X X 97 AUDIO / VIDEO / NAVIGATION EXHAUST BODY / FRAME GRAPHICS / SEATS OFFROAD LUGGAGE SNOW BIKE SECURITY HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS LEVERS CABLES FOOTPEGS / FOOT CONTROLS INTAKE / FUEL SYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS LIGHTING / GAUGES BATTERIES / CHARGERS ELECTRICAL SPARK PLUGS ENGINE PISTONS CLUTCH / DRIVE SUSPENSION / BEARINGS CHAIN SPROCKETS BRAKES PIT BIKE CHINESE VEHICLE PARTS INDEX Application Year Color WPS# List GAS-GAS MC65 `21-24 Red 24496-20004 $142.95 MC85/Big Wheel `21-24 Red 26860-10004 $142.95 EX/MC125-450/F `21-23 Black 28727-80001 $169.95 Original `21 28727-87118 $169.95 Red/Black 28727-81018 $169.95 Red/White 28727-81005 $169.95 White/Black 28727-81035 $169.95 `24 plastic Avail. OE only EC250-350/F `21-23 Black 28728-00001 $164.95 Original `21 28728-07118 $164.95 Red 28728-00004 $164.95 Red/Black 28728-01018 $164.95 White/Black 28728-01035 $164.95 `24 plastic Avail. OE only PLASTIC KITS PLASTIC KITS Kits Include: Front fender, rear fender, side panels, radiator scoops. All plastic kits have the original factory shape of the according model. Colors marked with original correspond with the original factory colors of this model / year. Kits Include: Front fender, rear fender, side panels, radiator scoops. All plastic kits have the original factory shape of the according model. Colors marked with original correspond with the original factory colors of this model/year. Application Year Color WPS# List BETA 125-480RR 2T/4T/Racing `20-22 Black 29362-70001 $169.95 Original `20 29362-76812 $169.95 Original `21 29362-77118 $169.95 Original `22 29362-70145 $169.95 White 29362-70002 $169.95 125-480RR 2T/4T/Racing `23-24 Black 29794-60001 $169.95 Original `23 29794-67705 $169.95 Red 29794-60004 $169.95 White 29794-60002 $169.95 Red/Blue 29794-61228 $169.95 300RX 2T `21-22 Black 29362-90001 $169.95 Original 29362-90145 $169.95 Red 29362-90004 $169.95 White 29362-90002 $169.95 300RX 2T `23-24 Black 29796-50001 $169.95 Original 29796-57705 $169.95 Red 29796-50004 $169.95 White 29796-50002 $169.95 For Complete Kits See Pages 89-96 BETA 300RX BODY / FRAME