2024 ATV Catalog

TRACK KITS WINCH PLOW TOWING / FARM ATV BODY UTV BODY AUDIO / VIDEO / NAVIGATION UTV CAB ACCESSORIES ACCESSORY MOUNTS MIRRORS WINDSHIELDS ROOFS CARGO MANAGEMENT LIGHTING / GAUGES HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS LEVERS / CABLES INTAKE / FUEL SYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS BATTERIES / CHARGERS ELECTRICAL SPARK PLUGS ENGINE EXHAUST AXLES DRIVE BELTS / CHAINS / SPROCKETS BRAKES SUSPENSION / BEARINGS CHINESE VEHICLE PARTS GAS CANS COVERS / SECURITY TRANSPORT / RAMPS PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX x X X X X 1468 TIE-DOWNS • Heavy duty hook on one end, carabiner clip on the other • Strap material features double security stitching with contrasting Vortex logos • 78” maximum length, 770lb capacity (1”), 990lb capacity (1.5”) • Velcro® strap helps keep the loose end of the tie-down under control while in use • Ideal for all applications of all kinds SOFT TIES Description WPS# List A 1” Tie-downs 3-TD111 $48.95 pr B 1.5” Tie-downs 3-TD122 $64.95 pr • 1.5” wide x 18” long • Double security stitching with contrasting Vortex logos • 990lb capacity • Metal free for ultimate surface protection, ideal for all applications WPS# List 3-TD134 $15.95 pr B HANDLEBAR CUFF • Easy to install: Slips right over handlebars • Sturdy, welded metal D-rings provides safe and strong application points for tie-downs • 880lb capacity • Ideal for solid mount handlebars (up to 44” wide) and sportbikes of all kinds WPS# List 3-TD108 $57.95 A SHOCKWEAVE™ • Automatically compensates for 3” of slack • Built in strapkeeper eliminates tangles WPS# List 45-2654 $33.86 pr The ATV TEK Shockweave™ automatically compensates for up to 3” of slack and eliminates tangles with built-in strapkeepers. It provides 135 pounds of dynamic tension and ensures that your gear and your tiedowns make it to your destination safely. TRANSPORT / RAMPS