2023 HardDrive

WINDSHIELDS / FAIRINGS AUDIO / VIDEO / NAVIGATION LUGGAGE / SEATS EXHAUST FUEL SYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS ENGINE TRANSMISSION / DRIVELINE GASKETS / SEALS ELECTRICAL SPARK PLUGS BATTERIES / CHARGERS LIGHTING / GAUGES FOOTPEGS / FOOT CONTROLS HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS CABLES BRAKES BODY / FRAME SUSPENSION WHEELS TIRES / TIRE ACCESSORIES VICTORY / INDIAN COVERS / SECURITY LUBRICANTS / CHEMICALS TOOLS / HARDWARE STANDS / LIFTS TRANSPORT HELMETS HELMET ACCESSORIES EYEWEAR APPAREL / RIDER ACCESSORIES PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX x X X X X 883 Riders of the top-of-the-line Indian® Chieftain and Roadmaster now have an upgrade option that lets them experience a new level of windscreen performance. The VStream® Windscreens for these models are made in three different heights to fit riders of any size. Even passengers will notice the improvement. Fairing-mount V-Stream Windscreens are designed specifically for each make and model to ensure optimum performance and perfect fit using the OEM mounting hardware. Made with Quantum coating and have a 3 year warranty Application Year Tint Height WPS# List Chieftain, Roadmaster 14-21 Dark Tint 8.3” 562-5180D $159.95 Light Tint 10.5” 562-5180S $179.95 Clear 12.25” 562-5180C $199.95 FOR INDIAN 562-5180D 562-5180S 562-5180C VSTREAM® WINDSCREENS QUIET • COMFORT • OPTICS • STRENGTH VICTORY / INDIAN