2023 Offroad

x X X X X 925 AUDIO / VIDEO / NAVIGATION EXHAUST BODY / FRAME GRAPHICS / SEATS OFFROAD LUGGAGE SNOW BIKE SECURITY HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS LEVERS CABLES FOOTPEGS / FOOT CONTROLS INTAKE / FUEL SYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS LIGHTING / GAUGES BATTERIES / CHARGERS ELECTRICAL SPARK PLUGS ENGINE PISTONS CLUTCH / DRIVE SUSPENSION / BEARINGS CHAIN SPROCKETS BRAKES PIT BIKE CHINESE VEHICLE PARTS GAS CANS STANDS TRANSPORT / RAMPS PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX Application Bore x Stroke mm Disp. (cc) Bore Size mm Sizes In. WPS# List Repl. Ring Set Repl. Circlips Wrist Pin Top End Bearing YAMAHA 2 CYCLE (CONT’D...) YZ125, `90-92 PRO-LITE 56 x 50.7 124 56 STD 594PS $149.79 2205CS Circlips CW-16 B1016 Nikasil Bore, Sleeving 56.5 0.020 2224CS Wrist pin S-514 12-1402 required for oversizes 57 0.040 594P4 $149.79 2244CS YZ125, `93 PRO-LITE 56 x 50.7 123 56 STD 629PS $149.79 2205CS Circlips CW-16 B1016 Nikasil Bore, Sleeving 56.5 0.020 2224CS Wrist pin S-514 12-1402 required for oversizes 57 0.040 629P4 $149.79 2244CS YZ125, `94-96 PRO-LITE 54 x 54.5 123 54 STD 647PS $149.79 2126CS Circlips CW-16 B1016 Nikasil Bore, Sleeving 54.5 0.020 647P2 $149.79 2146CS Wrist pin S-514 12-1402 required for oversizes 55 0.040 647P4 $149.79 2165CS 56 0.080 647P8 $172.83 2205CS YZ125, `97 PRO-LITE 54 x 54.5 123 54 STD 693PS $149.79 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1038 Ceramic Composite, Cylinder Wrist pin S-467 sleeving required for oversizes YZ125, `97 PRO-LITE 54 x 54.5 123 54 STD 765PS $177.44 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1038 Racer Choice, GP Series 56 0.080 765P8 $188.97 2205CS Wrist pin S-632 YZ125, `98-01 PRO-LITE 54 x 54.5 124 54 STD 726PS $149.79 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1038 (`97-00) Ceramic Composite, Cylinder 54.5 0.020 726P2 $149.79 2146CS Wrist pin S-467 B1001 (`01-04) sleeving required for oversizes 55 0.040 726P4 $149.79 2165CS 56 0.080 726P8 $172.83 2205CS YZ125, `02-04 PRO-LITE 54 x 54.5 124 54 STD 797PS $138.27 2126CST Circlips CW-15 B1001 Ceramic Composite, Cylinder 54.5 0.020 797P2 $138.27 2146CS Wrist pin S-467 sleeving required for oversizes 55 0.040 797P4 $138.27 2165CS 56 0.080 797P8 $165.92 2205CS YZ125, `05-21 PRO-LITE 54 x 54.5 124 54 STD 845PS $125.59 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1001 YZ125X, `20-22 56 0.080 845P8 $165.92 2205CS S-668 Sleeving required for oversized YZ125, `05-21 GP Style 54 x 54.5 124 54 STD 846PS $165.92 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1001 YZ125X, `20-22 56 0.080 846P8 $177.44 2205CS S-668 Longer skirt, Thicker Dome 58 0.160 846P12 $188.97 2284CS No intake window, Cylinder sleeving required for oversized Crankcase clearance required for 57mm and larger YZ125, `05-21, Racer Elite 54 x 54.5 124 54 STD RE905PS $190.81 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1001 YZ125X, `20-22 56 0.080 RE905P8 $202.44 2205CS S-668 ArmorPlating, ArmorFit 58 0.160 RE905P16 $202.44 2284CS Cylinder sleeving required for oversized Crankcase clearance required for 57mm and larger YZ125, `22-23, PRO-LITE 54 x 54.5 124 54 STD 899PS $125.59 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1001 ArmorPlating, Sleeving required for oversized 56 0.080 899P8 $165.92 2205CS S-668 YZ125, `22-23, GP Style 54 x 54.5 124 54 STD 900PS $165.92 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1001 ArmorPlating, ArmorFit S-668 YZ125, `22-23, Racer Elite 54 x 54.5 124 54 STD RE931PS $190.81 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1001 ArmorPlating, ArmorFit S-668 175CT-2,3, thru `77; 175MX, `79-81; 175DT, `79-82; YT175K,L, `84 66 x 50 172 66 STD 471PS $149.79 2598CD Circlips CW-16 B1021 66.5 0.020 471P2 $149.79 2618CD Wrist pin S-259 67 0.040 471P4 $149.79 2638CD 68 0.080 2677CD 175 YZ, IT `76-81 66 x 50 172 66 STD 2598CD Circlips CW-16 B1021 66.5 0.020 374P2 $149.79 2618CD Wrist pin S-259 67 0.040 374P4 $149.79 2638CD 67.5 0.060 374P6 $172.83 2658CD 68 0.080 2677CD 180 RT, `90-98 64.5 x 54 176 64.5 STD 772PS $149.79 2539CD Circlips CW-16 B1021 65 0.020 772P2 $149.79 2559CD Wrist pin S-486 65.5 0.040 772P4 $149.79 2579CD 66 0.060 2598CD IT200N `84-86 66 x 57 195 66 STD 522PS $177.44 2598CD Circlips CW-16 B1005 66.5 0.020 2618CD Wrist pin S-259 12-1406 67 0.040 522P4 $177.44 2638CD 67.5 0.060 2658CD 68 0.080 522P8 $200.48 2677CD All kits come with pistons, rings and circlips. Wrist Pin is included, except when noted. For replacement ring pricing, see page 932 PISTONS