2023 Offroad

AUDIO / VIDEO / NAVIGATION EXHAUST BODY / FRAME GRAPHICS / SEATS OFFROAD LUGGAGE SNOW BIKE SECURITY HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS LEVERS CABLES FOOTPEGS / FOOT CONTROLS INTAKE / FUEL SYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS LIGHTING / GAUGES BATTERIES / CHARGERS ELECTRICAL SPARK PLUGS ENGINE PISTONS CLUTCH / DRIVE SUSPENSION / BEARINGS CHAIN SPROCKETS BRAKES PIT BIKE CHINESE VEHICLE PARTS GAS CANS STANDS TRANSPORT / RAMPS PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX x X X X X 216 ALUMINUM SKID PLATES Standard Skid Plate Extreme Skid Plate • Strong Aluminum Construction will hold up to more than Plastic • Covers vital areas of the motorcycle such as water pumps, oil filters, engine cases and Covers • Has side tabs that come up to protect the Frame Rails and Footpeg mounts • Vents in the wings let air flow through and mud fall out • Holes in the bottom to let you drain your oil without removing the plate • All installation Hardware is included Application Year Skid Plate List Extreme Skid List Linkage Guard Linkage Guard OEM skidplate List BETA 125/200RR 2T `20-21 366-244120 $129.95 366-314018 $44.95 250/300RR/RX 2T/Racing `20-21 366-244020 $129.95 366-244020X $144.95 `22-23 366-244022 $129.95 366-244022X $144.95 300 XTrainer `15-23 366-24402 $129.95 366-314117 $44.95 350-500RR/RS 4T `20-23 366-244223 $129.95 366-244223X $144.95 366-315017 $44.95 GAS-GAS MC125 `21-23 366-241020 $129.95 366-31017 $44.95 EX/MC250/300 `21-23 366-241019 $129.95 366-241019X $144.95 366-31017 $44.95 `24 366-241023 $129.95 366-311023 366-311123 $44.95 EC250/300 `21-23 366-24017 $129.95 366-24017X $144.95 366-31017 $44.95 `24 366-241023 $129.95 366-311023 366-311123 $44.95 EC250/350F `21-23 366-24016 $129.95 366-24016X $144.95 366-31017 $44.95 EX/MC250/350F `21-23 366-241119 $129.95 366-241419X $144.95 366-31017 $44.95 `24 366-241123 $129.95 366-311023 366-311123 $44.95 EX/MC450F `21-23 366-241219 $129.95 366-241219X $144.95 366-31017 $44.95 `24 366-241123 $129.95 366-311023 366-311123 $44.95 HONDA CRF250R/RX `18-21 366-246017 $129.95 366-315017 $44.95 `22-23 366-246021 $129.95 CRF450R/RWE/RX `17-20 366-246017 $129.95 366-315017 $44.95 `21-23 366-246021 $129.95 CRF450RS `21-22 366-246017 $129.95 366-315017 $44.95 CRF250X `04-18 366-24670 $129.95 CRF450X `05-18 366-24671 $129.95 CRF450RL/X `21-23 366-246019 $129.95 366-315017 $44.95 BETA 250/300RR BETA 250/300RR BODY / FRAME