2022 Scorpion EXO

MATTE BLACK #75-1650 (XS-2X) TITANIUM #75-1603 (S-3X) MATTE WHITE #75-2131 (S-2X) PHOTO CREDIT @NICKYBOYS_TOYZ MATTE RED #75-2132 (S-2X) COVERT URUK $229.95 COVERT with EVO MASK $209.95 COVERT EL MALO $229.95 GREAT HELMET FOR PRICE. Great helmet, features, style, for the price, removable front piece comes in very handy for many reasons, great helmet. - Russell M. SAVED MY LIFE I’ve been using this helmet for almost a year now and it’s an amazing helmet. Of course i thought about the durability when purchasing it, however the main factor was the look of the helmet. This past Friday, I unfortunately had to lay my bike down going pretty fast and this helmet held up and protected my head in SO many ways. After a spill like that, I should’ve been in the hospital for broken bones, concussion, etc. however I managed to get up and walk away with some road rash. Great helmet. Will buy again. - Kayleigh V. O P E N - F A C E 33 #sco r p i onexo 888 - 672 - 6774 WWW. SCORP IONEXO . COM 2022 SPRING COL L ECT ION