2022 Scorpion EXO

11 #sco r p i onexo 888 - 672 - 6774 WWW. SCORP IONEXO . COM 2022 SPRING COL L ECT ION EASILY BEST HELMET FOR THE $$ 31 yrs riding.. Helmets have come a LONG way and for the $$ this has to be the best helmet I’ve every owned.. super comfortable, great noise reduction from their prior 710 and 420, love the air-fit system and the linings are top quality.. again, best sport helmet on the market for the $$ that I’ve seen.. well done Scorpion. - Trevor B. GREAT BUY! I wear this and my agv k6 collects dust! Super comfortable barley heavier and has more features. Better air flow has a little air pump and bladder to snug the fit around the sides of your head. Very stylish aggressive look. - Clayton W. SHELL # 1 XS SM MD 75-02257 STANDARD + 5 MM (THICKER) + 10 MM (THICKER) 75-02258 - 5 MM (THINNER) STANDARD + 5 MM (THICKER) 75-02259 - 10 MM (THINNER) - 5 MM (THINNER) STANDARD 75-02260 - 15 MM (THINNER) - 10 MM (THINNER) - 5 MM (THINNER) SHELL # 2 LG 75-02261 STANDARD 75-02262 - 5 MM (THINNER) SHELL # 3 XL 2XL 3XL 75-02263 STANDARD + 5 MM (THICKER) + 10 MM (THICKER) 75-02264 - 5 MM (THINNER) STANDARD + 5 MM (THICKER) 75-02265 - 10 MM (THINNER) - 5 MM (THINNER) STANDARD OPTIONAL CHEEKPAD SET $24.95 FITMENT GUIDE EXO-R1 AIR HELMETS WHITE / BLUE #75-1358 (S-2X) PHANTOM #75-1357 (S-2X) EXO-R1 AIR CORPUS $429.95 F U L L - F A C E NEON RED #75-1356 (S-2X)