2022 Offroad

AUDIO / VIDEO / NAVIGATION EXHAUST BODY / FRAME GRAPHICS / SEATS OFFROAD LUGGAGE SNOW BIKE SECURITY HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS LEVERS CABLES FOOTPEGS / FOOT CONTROLS INTAKE / FUEL SYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS LIGHTING / GAUGES BATTERIES / CHARGERS ELECTRICAL SPARK PLUGS ENGINE PISTONS CLUTCH / DRIVE SUSPENSION / BEARINGS CHAIN SPROCKETS BRAKES PIT BIKE CHINESE VEHICLE PARTS GAS CANS STANDS TRANSPORT / RAMPS PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX x X X X X 82 • Carbon Fiber and Fiberglass composites for super high impact strength • Our special blend of high temperature resins for long life and high strength • Special DEI Hi temp Coating on under side to resist temperatures up to 1500°F • Hi-strength clear coat for great looking carbon • Molded design for a perfect fit • Extremely easy to mount • Hand made in the USA CARBON FIBER HEADER HEAT SHIELDS P3 Carbon Fiber Composite 4-Stroke Head Pipe Guard/Heat Shields are a must for any 4-Stroke rider. This product serves three purposes. 1) The Heat Shield keeps your expensive riding pants and boots protected from super heated exhaust pipes. 2) The Pipe Guard protects your sensitive head pipe from unwanted dents and dings. 3) P3’s polished carbon product and colorful logo gives your off-road machine a full factory racing look! Application Year WPS# List BETA 350/390RR/RS `10-22 670-209090 $134.95 430/480/500RR/RS `10-22 670-209070 $134.95 GAS GAS MC/EX250F `21-22 670-204001 $149.95 MC/EX450F `21-22 670-204003 $149.95 HONDA CRF250R `10-13 670-205057 $134.95 `14-17 670-205058 $134.95 CRF250X All 670-205056 $134.95 CRF450R `09-12 670-205072 $134.95 `13-14 670-205073 $134.95 CRF450R/RX `17-18 670-205074 $134.95 ‘19-20 670-205076 $149.95 w/Yoshimura System ‘17-20 670-205075 $149.95 CRF450R/RX `21-22 670-205078 $149.95 CRF450X `05-18 670-205071 $134.95 CRF450X/L w/FMF Mega Bomb `19-22 670-205077 $139.95 CRF450X/RL w/Yoshimura System `21-22 670-205079 $149.95 HUSQVARNA FC250 `14-15 670-201093 $134.95 w/FMF Mega Bomb 670-201094 $134.95 `16-18 670-201054 $134.95 w/FMF Mega Bomb Long SX Header 670-201098 $134.95 FC250 `19-20 670-201054-19-1 $134.95 FE250 `14-20 670-201055 $134.95 FC350 `14-15 670-201093 $134.95 w/FMF Mega Bomb 670-201094 $134.95 FC/FX350 `16-18 670-201095 $134.95 w/FMF Mega Bomb Long SX Header 670-201098 $134.95 `19-22 670-201095-19-1 $134.95 Max coverage `19-22 670-201101 $149.95 FE350 `14-16 670-201091 $134.95 `17-19 670-201096 $134.95 `20 670-201099 $149.95 FC450 `14-15 670-201075 $134.95 w/FMF Mega Bomb 670-201076 $134.95 FC/FX450 `16-18 670-201077 $134.95 w/FMF Mega Bomb 670-201078 $134.95 `19-20 670-201077-19 $134.95 w/FMF Mega Bomb 670-201077-19FMF $134.95 FE501 `14-15 670-201075 $134.95 w/FMF Mega Bomb 670-201076 $134.95 FE450/501 `17-19 670-201079 $134.95 FE501 `20 670-201170 $149.95 Unless listed all guards are for stock pipes EXHAUST