2022 Offroad

AUDIO / VIDEO / NAVIGATION EXHAUST BODY / FRAME GRAPHICS / SEATS OFFROAD LUGGAGE SNOW BIKE SECURITY HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS LEVERS CABLES FOOTPEGS / FOOT CONTROLS INTAKE / FUEL SYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS LIGHTING / GAUGES BATTERIES / CHARGERS ELECTRICAL SPARK PLUGS ENGINE PISTONS CLUTCH / DRIVE SUSPENSION / BEARINGS CHAIN SPROCKETS BRAKES PIT BIKE CHINESE VEHICLE PARTS GAS CANS STANDS TRANSPORT / RAMPS PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX x X X X X 60 304 Silencers R-304 Silencers Type 296 Spark Arrestors 2-STROKE SILENCERS 304 SILENCERS R-304 SILENCERS TYPE 296 SPARK ARRESTORS The 304 silencer is recommended for most two-stroke applications. The slightly longer body offers reduced noise output when compared to the R-304. The brushed aluminum body, stainless steel inlet tube and end-cap give you a silencer that looks as good as it performs. The compact design of the R-304 Silencer offers optimum performance gains and is recommended for closed-course racing only. Hex head screws are used to secure the inlet cap and can be removed easily for quick re-packing of the silencer. The Type 296 Spark Arrestor is specially engineered with an internal metal baffle, chambers and sound absorbing materials for a muffled exhaust sound and no loss of motor performance. The desired sound level is at or near 96dB on most models. Application Year PC# 304 Silencer List PC# R-304 Silencer List PC# Spark Arrestor List BETA 250/300RR `13-16 10101430 792-7221 $171.95 10111430 792-7221R $171.95 13101430 792-7221S $202.95 COBRA 50SR `12-14 1181250 792-6201R $171.95 * 65 `12-14 1181265 792-6202R $171.95 * GAS GAS MC65 `21-22 1051665 792-2216 $171.95 1151665 792-2216R $171.95 MC85 `21-22 1061885 792-2223 $171.95 1161885 792-2223R $171.95 1361885 792-2223S $202.95 MC125 `21-22 1051912 792-2224 $171.95 1151912 792-2224R $171.95 1351912 792-2224S $202.95 MC250 `22 1051925 792-2222 $171.95 1151925 792-2222R $171.95 1351925 792-2222S $202.95 EC/EX250/300 `21-22 1051925 792-2222 $171.95 1151925 792-2222R $171.95 1351925 792-2222S $202.95 250/300 `06-14 SG08300-SE 792-7201 $171.95 `18 SG18300-SE 792-7202 $171.95 SG18300-296 792-7202S $202.95 HONDA CR80/85 `96-07 SH96080-SE 792-0200 $171.95 SH96080-RE 792-0200R $171.95 SH96080-296 792-0200S $202.95 CR125R `00-01 SH00125-SE 792-0201 $171.95 SH00125-RE 792-0201R $171.95 SH00125-SA 792-0201S $172.95 `02-07 SH02125-SE 792-0202 $171.95 SH02125-RE 792-0202R $171.95 SH02125-296 792-0202S $202.95 CR250R `00-01 SH00250-SE 792-0203 $171.95 SH00250-RE 792-0203R $171.95 SH00250-SA 792-0203S $172.95 `02-03 SH02250-SE 792-0204 $171.95 SH02250-RE 792-0204R $171.95 SH02250-296 792-0205S $202.95 `04-07 SH04250-SE 792-0205 $171.95 SH04250-RE 792-0205R $171.95 SH02250-296 792-0205S $202.95 CR500 `89-01 SH91500-SE 792-0206 $171.95 SH91500-296 792-0206S $202.95 SERVICE HONDA CR500AF `00-05 SH02500AF-SE 792-0207 $171.95 SH02500AF-SA 792-0207S $202.95 HUSABERG TE250 `11-13 1051125 792-2215 $171.95 1151125 792-2215R $171.95 1351125 792-2210S $202.95 TE300 `11-13 1051130 792-2212 $171.95 1351130 792-2212S $202.95 HUSQVARNA TC65 `17-22 1051665 792-2216 $171.95 1151665 792-2216R $171.95 TC85 `14-17 ST09085-RE 792-2204R $171.95 ST04085-296 792-2204S $202.95 `18-22 1061885 792-2223 $171.95 1161885 792-2223R $171.95 1361885 792-2223S $202.95 CR/WR125-150 `09-13 1061212 792-3201 * $171.95 1161212 792-3201R * $171.95 1361212 792-3201S * $202.95 TC125 `14-15 1151212 792-2207R $171.95 1351212 792-2207S $202.95 TC125/150 `16-18 1051612 792-2217 $171.95 1151612 792-2217R $171.95 1351612 792-2217S $202.95 `19-22 1051912 792-2224 $171.95 1151912 792-2224R $171.95 1351912 792-2224S $202.95 CR/WR250-300 `09-13 1061230 792-3202 $171.95 1361230 792-3202S * $202.95 TC250 `14-16 1051125 792-2215 $171.95 1151125 792-2215R $171.95 1351125 792-2210S $202.95 TC250 `17-18 1061725 792-2219 $171.95 1161725 792-2219R $171.95 1361725 792-2219S $202.95 TC250 `19-22 1051925 792-2222 $171.95 1151925 792-2222R $171.95 1351925 792-2222S $202.95 TE250 `14-17 1051130 792-2212 $171.95 1351130 792-2212S $202.95 TE250i `18-19 1061725 792-2219 $171.95 1161725 792-2219R $171.95 1361725 792-2219S $202.95 `20-22 1051925 792-2222 $171.95 1151925 792-2222R $171.95 1351925 792-2222S $202.95 TE300I `18-19 1061725 792-2219 $171.95 1161725 792-2219R $171.95 1361725 792-2219S $202.95 `20-22 1051925 792-2222 $171.95 1151925 792-2222R $171.95 1351925 792-2222S $202.95 TX300 `17-18 1061725 792-2219 $171.95 1161725 792-2219R $171.95 1361725 792-2219S $202.95 TX300/300i `19-22 1051925 792-2222 $171.95 1151925 792-2222R $171.95 1351925 792-2222S $202.95 TE/TX300 `20-22 1051925 792-2222 $171.95 1151925 792-2222R $171.95 1351925 792-2222S $202.95 * Must use Pro Circuit Pipe EXHAUST