2022 Offroad

x X X X X 1239 AUDIO / VIDEO / NAVIGATION EXHAUST BODY / FRAME GRAPHICS / SEATS OFFROAD LUGGAGE SNOW BIKE SECURITY HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS LEVERS CABLES FOOTPEGS / FOOT CONTROLS INTAKE / FUEL SYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS LIGHTING / GAUGES BATTERIES / CHARGERS ELECTRICAL SPARK PLUGS ENGINE PISTONS CLUTCH / DRIVE SUSPENSION / BEARINGS CHAIN SPROCKETS BRAKES PIT BIKE CHINESE VEHICLE PARTS GAS CANS STANDS TRANSPORT / RAMPS PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX • 4.1 design is FMF's most progressive development in high performance exhaust system yet and now available with titanium or carbon fiber silencer • Complete front to back system using performance matched components specifically designed for each model • Spark arrestor end cap available as an option Application Year Silencer Header Type FMF WPS# List HONDA CRF/XR50 `00-22 Powercore 4 Aluminum Stainless Complete 040072 79-1428 $269.99 Powercore 4 Aluminum w/SA Stainless Complete 040011 79-1427 $289.99 BIG BORE Powercore 4 Aluminum w/SA Stainless Complete 41071 79-1420 $289.99 CRF110F `13-18 Powercore 4 Aluminum Stainless Complete 041501 79-2631 $269.99 Powercore 4 Aluminum w/SA Stainless Complete 041502 79-2632 $289.99 `19-22 Powercore 4 Aluminum Stainless Slip-on 041579 79-2635 $179.99 Powercore 4 Aluminum w/SA Stainless Slip-on 041580 79-2636 $209.99 CRF125F `13-18 Powercore 4 Aluminum Stainless Complete 041533 79-2612 $269.99 Powercore 4 Aluminum w/SA Stainless Complete 041534 79-2652 $289.99 `19-22 Powercore 4 Aluminum Stainless Slip-on 041581 79-2637 $179.99 Powercore 4 Aluminum w/SA Stainless Slip-on 041582 79-2638 $209.99 KAWASAKI KLX110 `03-22 Powercore 4 Aluminum Stainless Complete 042005 79-7233 $269.99 Powercore 4 Aluminum w/SA Stainless Complete 042002 79-1522 $289.99 KLX140 `08-22 Powercore 4 Aluminum w/SA Stainless Slip-on 042161 79-1543 $279.99 YAMAHA TTR50 `06-22 Powercore 4 Aluminum Stainless Complete 044156 79-2873 $269.99 Powercore 4 Aluminum w/SA Stainless Complete 044157 79-2874 $289.99 TT-R110 `08-22 Powercore 4 Aluminum Stainless Complete 044272 79-2835 $269.99 Powercore 4 Aluminum w/SA Stainless Complete 044273 79-2078 $289.99 TT-R125 `00-22 Powercore 4 Aluminum Stainless Complete 044136 79-5416 $269.99 Powercore 4 Aluminum w/SA Stainless Complete 040071 79-5414 $289.99 Some offroad models may contain emission control devices. Some aftermarket parts may remove these devices. Removal or modification of such devices is illegal in the State of California unless used exclusively for closed course competition use ONLY, never to be used on public lands or highways. FACTORY 4.1 MINI EXHAUST • Aggressive look & sound, styling similar to 4.1 RCT big bike products • Combination Quiet /Spark Arrestor insert included • Anodized Titanium units: Muffler body is Ti, End caps and header are stainless steel • Aluminum units: Muffler body is aluminum, End caps and header are stainless steel # Complete System † Slip On H Header POWERCORE 4 EXHAUST Application Year FMF # Factory 4.1 Aluminum List FMF # Factory 4.1 Titanium List HONDA CRF110F `19-22 † 041592 79-41592 $249.99 041593 79-41593 $299.99 CRF125F/FB `19-22 † 041594 79-41594 $249.99 041595 79-41595 $299.99 Stainless PB Header 041591 79-41591 $199.99 KAWASAKI KLX110/L/R/RL `02-22 # 042380 79-42380 $399.99 042381 79-42381 $449.99 KLX140/G/L/R/RF/RL `08-22 † 042382 79-42382 $249.99 042383 79-42383 $299.99 SUZUKI DRZ110 `03-05 # 042380 79-42380 $399.99 042381 79-42381 $449.99 YAMAHA TTR110E `08-22 # 044468 79-44468 $449.99 TTR125/L `00-22 # 044470 79-44470 $449.99 79-41592 79-41593 79-1543 79-42380 79-42381 79-1522 PIT BIKE