TRACK KITS WINCH PLOW TOWING / FARM ATV BODY UTV BODY AUDIO / VIDEO / NAVIGATION UTV CAB ACCESSORIES ACCESSORY MOUNTS MIRRORS WINDSHIELDS ROOFS CARGO MANAGEMENT LIGHTING / GAUGES HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS LEVERS / CABLES INTAKE / FUEL SYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS BATTERIES / CHARGERS ELECTRICAL SPARK PLUGS ENGINE EXHAUST AXLES DRIVE BELTS / CHAINS / SPROCKETS BRAKES SUSPENSION / BEARINGS CHINESE VEHICLE PARTS GAS CANS COVERS / SECURITY TRANSPORT / RAMPS PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX x X X X X 76 ATV FENDERS REPLICAS OF OEM & RACING FENDERS Strength and flexibility are combined in these ATV parts by the use of 3/16" thick, high density polypropylene. The harder you use these fenders, the more you‘ll be amazed. ATV fenders are designed to fit each model exactly and have all the benefits of ‘‘REPLICA‘‘ fenders using stock mounting hardware. Matches stock color. FULL 1-YEARWARRANTY. Allow additional delivery time for optional colors: Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Red, Pink,Yellow, Olive Green, White, Silver, and NeonYellow STRONGER THAN ORIGINAL FENDERS NOTE: FENDER ASSEMBLIES DO NOT INCORPORATE TOOL COMPARTMENTS Application Year Color WPS# List HONDA FRONT FENDERS ATC110M `83-85 Red 65-2051 $81.63 ATC125M `84-85 Red 65-2051 $81.63 ATC185S `83 Red 65-2065 $102.76 ATC200S `84-86 Red 65-2065 $102.76 TRX200SX `86-88 Red 65-1730 $313.29 White 65-1730W $302.59 ATC250R Louvered `81-82 Red 65-2030 $105.55 ATC250R `83-84 Red 65-2031 $113.76 `85-86 Red 65-2032 $81.72 ATC250SX `85-87 Red 65-2075 $81.76 FL250 Odyssey `77-84 Yellow 65-2150 $150.04 Red 65-2150R $150.04 TRX250 Fourtrax `85-87 Red 65-1701R $402.31 TRX250EX `01-05 Fighting Red 65-11703 $375.74 Black 65-11703BK $389.06 TRX250R `86-89 Red 65-1720R $365.89 White 65-1720 $365.89 TRX250X `87-92 Red 65-1727 $320.07 Black 65-1727BK $320.07 TRX300EX (stock style) `93-06 Red 65-1727 $320.07 (must purchase tank cover with this fender) Black 65-1727BK $320.07 TRX300EX custom (Must purchase rear fender and tank cover with this fender) `93-06 Black 65-1731 $366.50 ATC350X `85-86 White 65-2062 $82.04 TRX400EX `99-04 Black 65-1739BK $357.56 (one piece style with Yellow 65-1739Y $357.56 side panels built in) Silver 65-1739S $345.30 White 65-1739W $357.56 Fighting Red 65-1739FR $357.56 TRX400EX `05-07 Black 65-1737BK $387.52 Fighting Red 65-1737R $387.52 White 65-1737W $387.52 TRX400EX (racing style `99-07 Fighting Red 65-1742R $300.71 one piece, must use reverse White 65-1742W $300.71 lever relocation bracket 65-6925 Pink 65-1742P $300.71 TRX400EX/X `08-14 Fighting Red 65-1766FR $286.03 Black Carbon 65-1766CB $265.95 TRX450R `04-14 Black 65-1746BK $180.49 Explosion Red 65-1746 $161.95 Fighting Red 65-1746FR $180.49 White 65-1746W $180.49 White Carbon 65-1746CW $180.49 TRX450R (one piece racing `04-14 Black 65-1749BK $306.56 scoops) White 65-1749W $306.56 Application Year Color WPS# List HONDA FRONT FENDERS (CONT’D...) TRX450R (one piece racing `04-14 Black 65-1750BK $306.56 MX/TT (style, must use White 65-1750W $306.56 racing style scoops) TRX450R (scoops for `04-14 Black 65-1751BK $98.86 racing style front fenders) White 65-1751W $98.86 TRX 700XX `08-09 Black 65-11770BK $284.95 Fighting Red 65-11770FR $306.11 Black Carbon 65-11770BC $306.11 White Carbon 65-11770CW $306.11 HONDA REAR FENDERS ATC70 `78-85 Red 65-1998 $188.41 TRX90 `93-05 Fighting Red 65-1696 $318.16 ATC110m/125M `83-85 Red 65-1950 $274.90 ATC200X `83-85 Red 65-1980 $273.87 TRX200SX `86-88 Red 65-1735 $286.73 ATC250ES `85-87 Red 65-1895 $299.93 ATC250R `81-82 Red 65-1990 $268.69 `83-84 Red 65-1910 $302.25 ATC250SX `85-87 Red 65-1970 $285.85 FL250 Odyssey `77-84 Red 65-2100R $268.84 Yellow 65-2100 $268.84 TRX250EX `01-05 Black 65-1704BK $366.56 Fighting Red 65-1704FR $325.52 TRX250X `87-92 Black 65-1733BK $291.43 Red 65-1733R $291.43 TRX300 `88-00 Red 65-1891 $410.86 TRX300EX `93-06 Black 65-1733BK $291.43 Red 65-1733R $291.43 TRX300EX custom (Must purchase front fender and tank cover with this fender) `93-06 Black 65-1732 $304.62 ATC350X `85-86 White 65-1982 $291.43 TRX400EX `99-07 Fighting Red 65-1743R $290.44 Black 65-1743BK $290.44 White 65-1743W $290.44 Yellow 65-1743Y $290.44 TRX400EX/X `08-14 Black 65-1767BK $141.95 Fighting Red 65-1767FR $141.95 Black Carbon 65-1767BC $141.95 TRX400EX/X `08-14 Black 65-1768BK $296.37 TRX450R `04-05 White 65-1747W $325.87 Black 65-1747BK $325.87 White Carbon 65-1747CW $325.87 TRX450R `06-14 White 65-1752W $341.65 Black 65-1752BK $341.65 White Carbon 65-1752CW $341.65 Fighting Red 65-1752FR $341.65 Pink 65-1752P $329.96 Continued on the next page NOTE: For UTV Maier Accessories see pages 118-121 ATV BODY