2022 ATV/UTV

TRACK KITS WINCH PLOW TOWING / FARM ATV BODY UTV BODY AUDIO / VIDEO / NAVIGATION UTV CAB ACCESSORIES ACCESSORY MOUNTS MIRRORS WINDSHIELDS ROOFS CARGO MANAGEMENT LIGHTING / GAUGES HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS LEVERS / CABLES INTAKE / FUEL SYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS BATTERIES / CHARGERS ELECTRICAL SPARK PLUGS ENGINE EXHAUST AXLES DRIVE BELTS / CHAINS / SPROCKETS BRAKES SUSPENSION / BEARINGS CHINESE VEHICLE PARTS GAS CANS COVERS / SECURITY TRANSPORT / RAMPS PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX x X X X X 207 FULL WINDSHIELDS The Open Trail full windshield is made with ultra durable 0.177” Makrolon(r) Polycarbonate for long lasting, high strength protection and a clear view of the trail. This windshield works with the Open Trail roof as well as the OEM roof. The windshield has a seal at the bottom that rests against your vehicle. It is attached to your roll bars using six galvanized steel, rubber coated P clamps that are bolted to the windshield through pre-drilled holes. Application Year WPS# List CAN AM Commander 800/1000/Max `11-20 457-0030 $259.99 Maverick `13-18 457-0039 $259.99 HONDA Pioneer 500 `15-21 457-0025 $259.99 Pioneer 700 `13-21 457-0035 $259.99 Pioneer 1000 3/5 Seat `16-21 457-0020 $269.99 Talon 1000 X,R,X-4 2 and 4 seat `19-21 457-0042 $259.99 KAWASAKI Mule 600,610,SX `17-21 457-0041 $259.99 Mule 3000 series `01-08 457-0033 $259.99 Mule 4010 `09-21 457-0032 $259.99 POLARIS ACE 150 `17-21 457-0044 $109.99 Ranger 150 `18-21 457-1000 # $399.99 ACE 500/570/900 `14-21 457-0036 $119.99 RZR 570 `08-21 457-0023 $259.99 RZR 800 `08-14 457-0023 $259.99 RZR 900 `12-14 457-0023 $259.99 `15-20 457-0040 $259.99 Application Year WPS# List POLARIS (CONT’D...) RZR 1000 `14-21 457-0040 $259.99 RZR Pro XP/XP4 `20-21 457-0043 $259.99 Ranger 400/500/800/EV Mid size `11-14 457-0027 $259.99 Ranger 500/570/EV Mid size `15-21 457-0038 $259.99 Ranger 570 Crew Mid size `15-21 457-0038 $259.99 Ranger Full size round tube `10-12 457-0034 $259.99 Ranger 570 Full size pro fit tube design `15 457-0026 $269.99 Ranger 900 XP pro fit tube design `13-19 457-0026 $269.99 Ranger 900 XP Crew pro fit tube design `13-21 457-0026 $269.99 Ranger 1000 XP/CREW pro fit tube design `16-21 457-0026 $269.99 Ranger Diesel/HST `15-19 457-0026 $269.99 General `16-21 457-0021 $199.99 YAMAHA Wolverine `15-18 457-0037 $259.99 Rhino `04-11 457-0029 $259.99 Viking `15-21 457-0031 $259.99 YXZ 1000 `16-18 457-0022 $259.99 HALF WINDSHIELDS The Open Trail half windshield is made with ultra durable 0.177” Makrolon(r) Polycarbonate for long lasting, high strength protection and a clear view of the trail. This half windshield is 11” tall. The windshield has a seal at the bottom that rests against your vehicle. It is attached to your roll bars using four galvanized steel, rubber coated P clamps that are bolted to the windshield through pre-drilled holes. Application Year WPS# List CAN AM Commander 800/1000 `11-20 457-0109 $149.99 Maverick `13-18 457-0118 $149.99 HONDA Pioneer 500 `15-21 457-0105 $119.99 Pioneer 700 `14-21 457-0114 $149.99 Pioneer 1000 3/5 Seat `16-21 457-0100 $119.99 KAWASAKI Mule 610 `05-21 457-0112 $129.99 Teryx /4 `12-15 457-0111 $129.99 POLARIS Sportsman ACE 500/570/900 `14-21 457-0115 $79.99 RZR 570 `08-21 457-0106 $119.99 RZR 800 `08-14 457-0106 $119.99 RZR 900 `12-14 457-0106 $119.99 `15-21 457-0104 $119.99 RZR 1000 `14-21 457-0104 $119.99 Application Year WPS# List POLARIS (CONT’D...) Ranger 400/500/800/EV Mid size `11-14 457-0107 $129.99 Ranger 500/570/EV Mid size `15-21 457-0117 $129.99 Ranger Full size `10-12 457-0108 $169.99 Ranger 900 XP/Crew `13-21 457-0103 $169.99 Ranger 570 Full size Profile tube `15 457-0103 $169.99 Ranger 570 Full Size Round tube `16-21 457-0108 $169.99 Ranger 6x6 Full Size `16-19 457-0108 $169.99 Ranger Diesel `15-19 457-0103 $169.99 Ranger 1000 XP/CREW `16-20 457-0103 $169.99 General `16-21 457-0101 $129.99 YAMAHA Wolverine `15-18 457-0116 $119.99 Rhino `04-11 457-0113 $169.99 Viking `15-21 457-0110 $149.99 YXZ 1000 `16-18 457-0102 $169.99 # Includes Front windshield, Roof and rear windshield WINDSHIELDS