2021 HardDrive

WINDSHIELDS / FAIRINGS AUDIO / VIDEO / NAVIGATION LUGGAGE / SEATS EXHAUST FUEL SYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS ENGINE TRANSMISSION / DRIVELINE GASKETS / SEALS ELECTRICAL SPARK PLUGS BATTERIES / CHARGERS LIGHTING / GAUGES FOOTPEGS / FOOT CONTROLS HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS CABLES BRAKES BODY / FRAME SUSPENSION WHEELS TIRES / TIRE ACCESSORIES VICTORY / INDIAN COVERS / SECURITY LUBRICANTS / CHEMICALS TOOLS / HARDWARE STANDS / LIFTS TRANSPORT HELMETS HELMET ACCESSORIES EYEWEAR APPAREL / RIDER ACCESSORIES PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX x X X X X 867 ELECTRONIC JET KIT The GEN 3 is a piggy-back EFI controller because it does not replace the stock ECU, but rather monitors the signals to the injectors and makes fuel adjustments based on the mode settings. The GEN 3 has a push button interface allowing access up to 6 different modes to allow for quick fine tuning by the end user without needing a computer. The GEN 3 also is nitrous oxide compatible, and allows the user to add fuel thru the stock fuel injection when using nitrous oxide. The GEN 3.5 EFI controller is an extension to the GEN 3 controller. The GEN 3.5 controller has the ability to add or pull fuel within each available fueling zone. The GEN 3.5 is NOT compatible with nitrous oxide systems. “INSTALL AND RIDE, EFI MADE EASY.” The EJK (Electronic Jet Kit) evolved out of the need to address the ever- increasing complexity of factory fuel injection. For the newcomer to the market or professionals wanting an easier method for tuning fuel injection, the EJK is a customizable solution for the shop that wants to take control of their tuning needs. • No computer needed • No dyno required • Quick "plug and play" installation, initial settings are all preset based on make/model • Full range tunability, does not interfere with stock ECU • Simple push button adjustment interface • 2 year warranty Not legal for use in California on pollution controlled vehicles, race use only in California - waiver available Application Year WPS# Version List INDIAN Chief `09-13 912-0365 3 $283.95 `14-18 912-0436 3 $283.95 Chieftain `14-18 912-0436 3 $283.95 Roadmaster `15-18 912-0436 3 $283.95 Scout/Scout Sixty `15-18 912-0446 3 $283.95 Springfield `16-18 912-0436 3 $283.95 Application Year WPS# Version List VICTORY All Models `00-07 912-0279 3 $283.95 `08-15 912-0420 3 $283.95 All Models (Except Octane) `16-17 912-0448 3 $283.95 Octane `17 912-0462 3 $283.95 FUSION FUEL CONTROLLER • Uses factory connectors for easy installation • USB powered from computer (9 volt adapter is no longer needed for programming) • 2 position map switching function built in (map switch not included) • Gear input (allows for map adjustment based on gear and speed) • Analog input (allows user to install any 0-5 volt sensor and build an adjustment table based on its input such as boost or temperature) • With gear position input connected the Fusion is capable of allowing each cylinder to be mapped individually and for each gear (for example: on a 4 cylinder bike with a six speed transmission there could be up to 24 separate fuel tables). • Unit has a -100/+250% fuel change range • 10 throttle position columns • Enhanced “accel pump” utility (increased adjustment and sensitivity ranges) • Can use Power Commander maps • Self tuning available with the optional Dynatune Autotune controller, see AIR/FUEL section Not legal for use in California on pollution controlled vehicles, race use only in California - waiver available Notes: 1 - Includes single channel O2 Optimizer 3 - Includes dual channel O2 Optimizer 4 - Optional oxygen sensor eliminator required for California and some overseas models, 2 eliminators required - call Dynojet, part #76423005 5 - Optional oxygen sensor eliminator required for some overseas models, 2 eliminators required - call Dynojet, part #76423008 6 - Optional oxygen sensor eliminator required for California “C” models, 2 eliminators required for California “Retro” models - call Dynojet, part #76423005 7 - Requires additional Dynojet hardware for Quickshifter to function - call Dynojet 9 - European models require O2 optimizer for closed loop control 11 - Optional oxygen eliminator available for California and European models - call Dynojet, part #76423007 12 - Includes ignition adjustment Application Year WPS# List VICTORY Octane `16-17 133-2194 $399.95 100” Models `08-11 133-2195 $379.95 106” Models `09-15 133-2196 $379.95 `16-17 133-2193 $379.95 Vision `09-15 133-2197 $379.95 `16-17 133-2192 $379.95 Victory Crossroads/Crosscountry `11-15 133-2198 $379.95 Application Year WPS# List INDIAN Chief `14-18 133-2040 $399.95 Scout `15-20 133-2041 $399.95 Scout Sixty `17-20 133-2042 $399.95 VICTORY / INDIAN