2021 HardDrive

WINDSHIELDS / FAIRINGS AUDIO / VIDEO / NAVIGATION LUGGAGE / SEATS EXHAUST FUEL SYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS ENGINE TRANSMISSION / DRIVELINE GASKETS / SEALS ELECTRICAL SPARK PLUGS BATTERIES / CHARGERS LIGHTING / GAUGES FOOTPEGS / FOOT CONTROLS HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS CABLES BRAKES BODY / FRAME SUSPENSION WHEELS TIRES / TIRE ACCESSORIES VICTORY / INDIAN COVERS / SECURITY LUBRICANTS / CHEMICALS TOOLS / HARDWARE STANDS / LIFTS TRANSPORT HELMETS HELMET ACCESSORIES EYEWEAR APPAREL / RIDER ACCESSORIES PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX x X X X X 4 Application Year Description Dark Tint List FLHT/FLHX Touring Models `14-Up FlyBoy 562-2390 $129.95 BadBoy 562-2391 $129.95 GeeBee 562-2392 $129.95 CUSTOM WINDSCREENS National Cycle brings raw meat to the table for 2014-Up FLHT and FLHX riders. These new custom windscreens have a unique custom personality and a flavor all their own. They are made from tough 4.0mm Quantum® hardcoated polycarbonate. This high quality material, along with state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques, provides outstanding impact strength and scratch resistance unmatched by any windscreen maker worldwide. Quantum hardcoated polycarbonate is the material of choice for serious motorcycle riders. It is 10X more abrasion resistant than FMR hardcoated polycarbonate, and 30X more than windscreens made from commonly used acrylic or “aircraft plastic”. These windscreens are easy to install and are protected by a 3-Year Warranty against breakage! National Cycle products are made in the U.S.A. WINDSHIELDS / FAIRINGS