2021 Offroad Catalog

x X X X X 279 AUDIO / VIDEO / NAVIGATION EXHAUST BODY / FRAME GRAPHICS / SEATS OFFROAD LUGGAGE SNOW BIKE SECURITY HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS LEVERS CABLES FOOTPEGS / FOOT CONTROLS INTAKE / FUEL SYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS LIGHTING / GAUGES BATTERIES / CHARGERS ELECTRICAL SPARK PLUGS ENGINE PISTONS CLUTCH / DRIVE SUSPENSION / BEARINGS CHAIN SPROCKETS BRAKES PIT BIKE CHINESE VEHICLE PARTS GAS CANS STANDS TRANSPORT / RAMPS PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX The all new patented RALE ™ Conversion Kit is a first in the industry - the most realistic dirt bike experience to hit the snow! Utilizing the motorcycle’s rear shock while replicating the geometry and pivot points of the dirt bike, this kit will give you the same high-tech suspension performance without sacrificing wheelies, jumps, trail stability, and hill climbing. Completely tunable, the RALE™ ST120 will give you that true dirt bike riding experience in the snow. * Photos show the 2020 kit. 2021 kits may have changes. SNOW BIKE