2021 ATV/UTV Catalog

TRACKKITS WINCH PLOW TOWING / FARM AUDIO /VIDEO / NAVIGATION ACCESSORY MOUNTS ATV /UTVBODY UTVCAB ACCESSORIES WINDSHIELDS CARGO MANAGEMENT COVERS / SECURITY HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS LEVERS / CABLES INTAKE / FUEL SYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS LIGHTING / GAUGES BATTERIES / CHARGERS ELECTRICAL SPARKPLUGS ENGINE EXHAUST AXLES DRIVE BELTS /CHAIN / SPROCKETS BRAKES SUSPENSION / BEARINGS CHINESE VEHICLEPARTS LUBRICANTS / CHEMICALS GASCANS TOOLS / HARDWARE STANDS / LIFTS TRANSPORT / RAMPS PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX x X X X X 739 Application Bore X Stroke Disp. (cc) Sizes (mm) Sizes (Inch) Piston # List Repl. Ring # Repl. Circlip/ Wrist Pin Top End Bearing HONDA - 4 Cycle ( cont ’ d ...) TRX250EX, `01-08 68.5 x 62.2 68.5 STD 4935PS $154.00 2698XA Circlips 10.5:1 compression 69.0 .020 4935P2 $154.00 2717XC CW-15 69.5 .040 4935P4 $154.00 2736XC Wrist Pin S-525 TRX250X, `02-20 68.5 x 62.2 68.5 STD 40061PS $154.00 2698XA Circlips TE/TM/Recon 69.0 .020 40061P2 $154.00 2717XC CW-15 ArmorGlide Skirt Coated 69.5 .040 40061P4 $154.00 2736XC Wrist Pin S-525 TRX300, `88-00 74 x 65.5 282 74 STD 4629PS $160.00 2913XC Circlips 10.25:1, compression 74.5 .020 4629P2 $160.00 2933XC CW-17 2WD & 4WD 75 .040 4629P4 $160.00 2953XC Wrist Pin 75.5 .060 2973XC S-523 76 .080 4629P8 $170.00 2992XC TRX300EX, `92-08 74 x 65.5 282 74 STD 4574PS $160.00 2913XC Circlips 11:1 compression 74.5 .020 4574P2 $160.00 2933XC CW-17 75 .040 4574P4 $160.00 2953XC Wrist Pin 75.5 .060 4574P6 $170.00 2973XC S-523 76 .080 4574P8 $170.00 2992XC ATC350X `85-89 81 x 68 350 81 STD 4393PS $160.00 3189XG Circlips TRX350 Foreman `85-89 81.5 .020 4393P2 $160.00 3208XG CW-21 10.25:1 Compression 82 .040 4393P4 $160.00 3228XG Wrist Pin S-529 ATC350X `85-89 81 x 68 350 81 STD 4396PS $184.00 3189XG Circlips TRX350 Foreman `85-89 81.5 .020 4396P2 $184.00 3208XG CW-21 12:1 compression 82 .040 4396P4 $184.00 3228XG Wrist Pin S-529 TRX350ES, `00-06 78.5 x 68 78.5 STD 4933PS $154.00 7850XX Circlips Rancher 2x4, 4x4 79.0 .020 4933P2 $154.00 7900XX CW-17 ArmorGlide Skirt Coated 79.5 .040 4933P4 $184.00 7950XX Wrist Pin Stock compression S-557 TRX400EX, `99-08 85 x 70 397 85 STD 4606PS $164.00 3347XC Circlips TRX400X `09-14 85.5 .020 4606P2 $164.00 8550XX CW-20 10:1 compression 86 .040 4606P4 $164.00 3386XC Wrist Pin 87 .080 4606P8 $184.00 3425XC S-520 88 .120 4606P12 $184.00 3465XC TRX400EX, `99-08 85 x 70 397 85 STD 4628PS $184.00 3347XC Circlips TRX400X `09-14 86 .040 4628P4 $184.00 3386XC CW-20 11:1 compression 87 .080 4628P8 $204.00 3425XC Wrist Pin 88 .120 4628P12 $204.00 3465XC S-520 TRX400EX, `99-08 89 x 70 435 89 .160 4667PS $204.00 3504XC Circlips TRX400X `09-14 CW-20 440 Overbore, 11:1 compression Wrist Pin Cylinder sleeving required for oversizes S-553 TRX400EX, `99-08 89 x 70 435 89 .160 4794PS $204.00 8900XX Circlips TRX400X `09-14 CW-20 440 Overbore, 12.5:1 compression Wrist Pin Cylinder sleeving required for oversizes S-553 TRX400, `95-03 86 x 68 395 86 STD 4669PS $184.00 3386XC Circlips Foreman 4x4 87 4669P4 $184.00 3425XC CW-19 8.2:1 compression Wrist Pin S-475 TRX420 Rancher `07-19 86.5 x 71.5 86.5 STD 40050PS $154.00 8650XX Circlips Stk Compression 87.0 .020 40050P2 $154.00 8700XX CW-19 ArmorGlide Skirt Coated 87.5 .040 40050P4 $154.00 8750XX Wrist Pin Sleeve req’d for 87.5-88.5mm 88.0 .060 40050P6 $184.00 8800XX S-475 88.5 .080 40050P8 $184.00 8850XX TRX450, `98-04 90 x 68 433 90 STD 4825PS $160.00 9000XX Circlips Foreman S, ES 90.5 .020 4825P2 $160.00 9050XX CW-19 9.5:1 Hi-compression 91 .040 4825P4 $160.00 9100XX Wrist Pin 91.5 .060 4825P6 $190.00 9150XX S-660 92 .080 4825P8 $190.00 9200XX TRX450R, `04-05 94 x 64.8 450 94 STD 4848PS $198.00 3701XR Circlips 10.5:1 (std) compression 469 96 .080 4848P8 $224.00 9600XS CW-21 ArmorGlide skirt coated Wrist Pin S-656 TRX450R, `04-05 94 x 64.8 450 94 STD 4849PS $224.00 3701XR Circlips 11.5:1 High-Compression 469 96 .080 9600XS CW-21 ArmorGlide skirt coated Wrist Pin S-656 ‡ See pages 751-752 for ring updates Continued on the next page PISTONS All kits come with pistons, rings and circlips. Wrist Pin is included, except when noted. For replacement ring pricing, see page 7 53 ENGINE