2019 Offroad Catalog

x X X X X 747 AUDIO /VIDEO / NAVIGATION EXHAUST BODY / FRAME GRAPHICS / SEATS OFFROAD LUGGAGE SNOWBIKE SECURITY HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS LEVERS CABLES FOOTPEGS / FOOTCONTROLS INTAKE / FUELSYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS LIGHTING / GAUGES BATTERIES / CHARGERS ELECTRICAL SPARKPLUGS ENGINE PISTONS CLUTCH / DRIVE SUSPENSION / BEARINGS CHAIN SPROCKETS BRAKES PITBIKE CHINESE VEHICLEPARTS LUBRICANTS / CHEMICALS GASCANS TOOLS / HARDWARE STANDS / LIFTS TRANSPORT / RAMPS PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX Continued on the next page Application Bore x Stroke mm Disp. (cc) Bore Size mm Sizes In. WPS# List Repl. Ring Set Repl. Circlips Wrist Pin Top End Bearing HONDA 2 CYCLE ( cont ’ d ...) CR125, ‘79 56 x 50 123 56 STD 2205CDM Circlips CW-14 B1018 Chrome Bore Cylinder Sleeving Required for Oversizes 56.5 0.020 448P4 $130.00 2224CD Wrist pin S-394 Not supplied with wrist pin 57.5 0.060 448P8 $150.00 2264CD CR125, ATAC ‘80-84 55.5 x 50 120 55.5 STD 448PS $130.00 2185CD Circlips CW-14 82-84: Not supplied with wrist pin 56.5 0.040 448P4 $130.00 2224CD Wrist pin S-394 B1018 57.5 0.080 448P8 $150.00 2264CD 12-1401 CR125, ‘85-86 54 x 54 124 54 STD 518PS $130.00 2126CD Circlips CW-14 B1006 Double Ring 54.5 0.020 518P2 $130.00 2146CD Wrist pin S-485 55 0.040 518P4 $130.00 2165CD 55.5 0.060 518P6 $150.00 2185CD 56 0.080 518P8 $150.00 2205CD CR125, ‘87 PRO-LITE 54 x 54 124 54 STD 553PS $130.00 2126CS Circlips CW-14 B1018 * Power valve must be modified for .040 and larger 55 0.040 553P4 $130.00 2165CS Wrist pin S-288 12-1401 56 0.080 553P8 $150.00 2205CS CR125, ‘88-89 PRO-LITE 54 x 54 124 54 STD 564PS $130.00 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1001 ‘89 has Nikasil Bore 54.5 0.020 564P2 $130.00 2146CS Wrist pin S-467 Cylinder Sleeving Required for Oversizes 55 0.040 564P4 $130.00 2165CS 55.5 0.060 564P6 $150.00 2185CS 56 0.080 564P8 $150.00 2205CS CR125, ‘90-91 PRO-LITE 54 x 54 124 54 STD 595PS $130.00 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1001 Nikasil bore 54.5 0.020 595P2 $130.00 2146CS Wrist pin S-467 Cylinder sleeving required for oversizes 55 0.040 595P4 $130.00 2165CS CR125, ‘92-03 PRO-LITE 54 x 54 124 54 STD 676PS $130.00 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1001 Nikasil bore 54.5 0.020 676P2 $130.00 2146CS Wrist pin S-467 Cylinder sleeving required for oversizes 55 0.040 676P4 $130.00 2165CS 56 0.080 676P8 $150.00 2205CS CR125, ‘95-03 GP Style 54 x 54 124 54 STD 762PS $144.00 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1001 NO WINDOW, Longer shirt 134 56 0.080 762P8 $164.00 2205CS Wrist pin S-632 Nikasil bore Cylinder sleeving required for oversizes CR125, `95-03, Racer Elite 54 x 54.5 125 54 STD RE908PS $164.00 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1001 ArmorPlating, ArmorFit 56 0.080 RE908P8 $174.00 2205CS Wrist pin S-668 CR125, ‘04-07 GP Style 54 x 54.5 125 54 STD 841PS $144.00 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1001 Electra Coated, Nikasil Bore 134 56 0.080 841P8 $164.00 2205CS Wrist pin S-632 Cylinder sleeving required for oversizes 57 0.120 841P12 $164.00 2244CS CR125, ‘04 PRO-LITE 54 x 54.5 125 54 STD 840PS $120.00 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1001 Nikasil Bore, Cylinder Sleeving 56 0.080 2205CS Wrist pin S-632 CR125, `04-07, Racer Elite 54 x 54.5 125 54 STD RE922PS $164.00 2126CS Circlips CW-15 B1001 ArmorPlating, ArmorFit 56 0.080 RE922P8 $174.00 2205CS Wrist pin S-668 0.120 RE922P12 $174.00 2244CS CR125, ‘05-07 54 x 54.5 125 54 STD 859PS $120.00 2126CS Circlips CW-15 PRO-LITE, Nikasil Bore Wrist pin S-632 250 MT, CR, MR ‘75-77 70 x 64.4 248 70 STD 338PS $164.00 2756CD Circlips CW-18 B1003 70.5 0.020 338P2 $164.00 2776CD Wrist pin S-343 71 0.040 338P4 $164.00 2795CD 71.5 0.060 338P6 $184.00 2815CD 72 0.080 338P8 $184.00 2835CD CR250R ‘78-80 70 x 64.4 248 70 STD 431PS $164.00 2756CD Circlips CW-18 B1003 Chrome Bore 70.25 0.010 2766CD Wrist pin S-343 Cylinder Sleeving Required for Oversizes 70.5 0.020 431P2 $164.00 2776CD (CDM rings required for Std. Bore CR250R) 71 0.040 431P4 $164.00 2795CD 71.5 0.060 431P6 $184.00 2815CD 72 0.080 431P8 $184.00 2835CD CR250R ‘81-83 66 x 72 246 66 STD 466PS $164.00 2598CD Circlips CW-18 B1003 Not supplied with wrist pin 67 0.040 466P4 $164.00 2638CD Wrist Pin S-257 12-1410 68 0.080 466P8 $184.00 2677CD CR250, ATAC ‘84-85 66 x 72 246 66 STD 526PS $164.00 2598CD Circlips CW-18 B1003 PRO-LITE 66.25 0.010 526P1 $164.00 2608CD Wrist Pin S-257 12-1410 66.5 0.020 526P2 $164.00 2618CD 66.75 0.030 526P3 $164.00 2628CD 67 0.040 526P4 $164.00 2638CD 67.25 0.050 526P5 $184.00 2648CD 67.5 0.060 526P6 $184.00 2658CD CR250, ‘86-96 PRO-LITE 66.4 x 72 249 66.4 STD 614PS $164.00 2614CD Circlips CW-18 B1003 Nikasil bore 67 0.024 614P2 $164.00 2638CD Wrist Pin S-508 12-1410 Cylinder sleeving required for oversizes 67.5 0.044 614P4 $164.00 2658CD 68 0.065 614P6 $184.00 2677CD 68.5 0.085 614P8 $184.00 2697CD All kits come with pistons, rings and circlips. Wrist Pin is included, except when noted. For replacement ring pricing, see page 771 PISTONS