2019 Offroad Catalog

x X X X X 197 AUDIO /VIDEO / NAVIGATION EXHAUST BODY / FRAME GRAPHICS / SEATS OFFROAD LUGGAGE SNOWBIKE SECURITY HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS LEVERS CABLES FOOTPEGS / FOOTCONTROLS INTAKE / FUELSYSTEMS AIR FILTERS OIL FILTERS LIGHTING / GAUGES BATTERIES / CHARGERS ELECTRICAL SPARKPLUGS ENGINE PISTONS CLUTCH / DRIVE SUSPENSION / BEARINGS CHAIN SPROCKETS BRAKES PITBIKE CHINESE VEHICLEPARTS LUBRICANTS / CHEMICALS GASCANS TOOLS / HARDWARE STANDS / LIFTS TRANSPORT / RAMPS PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX • Durable 12 mil thick Laminated vinyl • Super Adhesive • 11’’ x 14’’ size • Comes in 3-pack for most colors • Single pack for carbon UNIVERSAL NUMBER PLATE BACKGROUNDS • Sized and shaped to better fill-in today’s shaped number plates • Made of 12-mil durable and high-gloss vinyl Color WPS# List White 09-5990 $18.95 Yellow 09-5991 $18.95 Black 09-5992 $18.95 Blue 09-5993 $18.95 Green 09-5994 $18.95 Clear 09-5995 $18.95 Red 09-5996 $18.95 Purple 09-5998 $18.95 *Carbon 11" x 14" size 1-pack COMPETITION STICK-ON NUMBERS ‘‘The numbers with style.’’ Competition approved by AMA Extreme Digit 4”, 6”, & 7” 6 Mil High Gloss vinyl 4”Black 4”White 6”Black 6”White 7”Black 7”White EXTREME DIGITS 0 09-6230 09-6240 09-6250 09-6260 09-6270 09-6280 1 09-6231 09-6241 09-6251 09-6261 09-6271 09-6281 2 09-6232 09-6242 09-6252 09-6262 09-6272 09-6282 3 09-6233 09-6243 09-6253 09-6263 09-6273 09-6283 4 09-6234 09-6244 09-6254 09-6264 09-6274 09-6284 5 09-6235 09-6245 09-6255 09-6265 09-6275 09-6285 6 09-6236 09-6246 09-6256 09-6266 09-6276 09-6286 7 09-6237 09-6247 09-6257 09-6267 09-6277 09-6287 8 09-6238 09-6248 09-6258 09-6268 09-6278 09-6288 9 09-6239 09-6249 09-6259 09-6269 09-6279 09-6289 3 pack $3.41 3 pack $3.91 3 pack $5.50 4”Black 4”White 5”Black 5”White 7”Black 7”White DIRT DIGIT 0 09-6430 09-6400 09-6440 09-6410 09-6450 09-6420 1 09-6431 09-6401 09-6441 09-6411 09-6451 09-6421 2 09-6432 09-6402 09-6442 09-6412 09-6452 09-6422 3 09-6433 09-6403 09-6443 09-6413 09-6453 09-6423 4 09-6434 09-6404 09-6444 09-6414 09-6454 09-6424 5 09-6435 09-6405 09-6445 09-6415 09-6455 09-6425 6 09-6436 09-6406 09-6446 09-6416 09-6456 09-6426 7 09-6437 09-6407 09-6447 09-6417 09-6457 09-6427 8 09-6438 09-6408 09-6448 09-6418 09-6458 09-6428 9 09-6439 09-6409 09-6449 09-6419 09-6459 09-6429 3 pack $7.50 3 pack $10.50 3 pack $11.95 • Permanent high-strength adhesive • Conforms easily to contours • Available in sizes 4”, 5½”, and 7” • Sold in packs of 3 GRAPHICS / SEATS