2018 Street
x X X X X 62 EXHAUST TIRES TUBES / TIREACC. BODY /FRAME ACCESSORIES LUGGAGE / SEATS COVERS / SECURITY WINDSHIELDS HANDLEBARS / CONTROLS LEVERS / CABLES FUELSYSTEMS AIRFILTERS OILFILTERS ELECTRICAL LIGHTING / GAUGES BATTERIES / CHARGERS ENGINE / CLUTCHES SUSPENSION / BEARINGS CHAINS /BELTS SPROCKETS BRAKING COMPONENTS CHINESE VEHICLEPARTS CHEMICALS GASCANS TOOLS / HARDWARE TRANSPORT / TRAILER PROMOTIONAL REFERENCE INDEX SIZE PURPOSE FRONT/REAR BRAND MODEL LOAD/SPEED RATING PAGE WPS# LIST 13” WHEELS 110/70-13 Scooter Front MICHELIN City Grip 48P 104 87-9862 $90.95 110/90-13 Scooter Front IRC MB67 55P 124 87-5432 88.95 110/90-13 Scooter Front MICHELIN City Grip 56P 104 87-9722 88.95 110/90-13 Scooter Front MICHELIN Power Pure Scooter 56P 103 87-9805 95.95 110/90-13 Scooter Front PIRELLI Angel Scooter 56P 114 871-5224 75.95 110/90-13 Scooter Front PIRELLI Diablo Scooter 56P 115 871-5002 90.95 110/90-13 Scooter Front SHINKO SR567 56P 89 87-4281 51.95 120/70-13 Scooter Front MICHELIN Power Pure Scooter 53P 103 87-9809 94.95 120/70-13 Scooter Front PIRELLI Angel Scooter 53P 114 871-5226 79.95 120/70-13 Scooter Front/Rear SHINKO SR429 53L 90 87-4230 46.95 120/70-13 Scooter Front SHINKO SR567 53P 89 87-4282 48.95 130/60-13 Scooter Rear MICHELIN Power Pure Scooter Reinf 60P 103 87-9819 97.95 130/60-13 Scooter Rear PIRELLI Angel Scooter Reinf 60P 114 871-5204 82.95 130/60-13 Scooter Front/Rear PIRELLI SL26 Reinf 60P 116 871-5085 91.95 130/60-13 Scooter Front/Rear SHINKO SR425 53J 90 87-4279 47.95 130/60-13 Scooter Front/Rear SHINKO SR429 53L 90 87-4231 45.95 130/60-13 Scooter Rear SHINKO SR568 60P 89 87-4501 47.95 130/70-13 Scooter Rear IRC MB67 57P 124 87-5435 89.95 130/70-13 Scooter Rear MICHELIN City Grip 63P 104 87-9732 105.95 130/70-13 Scooter Rear MICHELIN Power Pure Scooter Reinf 63P 103 87-9814 91.95 130/70-13 Scooter Rear PIRELLI Angel Scooter Reinf 63P 114 871-5206 78.95 130/70-13 Scooter Rear PIRELLI Diablo Scooter Reinf 63P 115 871-5024 100.95 130/70-13 Scooter Rear SHINKO SR568 63P 89 87-4502 50.95 140/60-13 Scooter Rear MICHELIN City Grip 63P 104 87-9733 101.95 140/60-13 Scooter Rear MICHELIN Power Pure Scooter 57P 103 87-9815 104.95 140/60-13 Scooter Rear PIRELLI Angel Scooter Reinf 63P 114 871-5207 78.95 140/60-13 Scooter Rear PIRELLI Diablo Scooter Reinf 63P 115 871-5025 124.95 140/60-13 Scooter Rear SHINKO SR568 63P 89 87-4503 51.95 140/70-13 Scooter Rear PIRELLI Angel Scooter 61P 114 871-5211 89.95 140/70-13 Scooter Rear PIRELLI Diablo Scooter 61P 115 871-5033 124.95 150/70-13 Scooter Rear IRC MB67 64S 124 87-5436 102.95 150/70-13 Scooter Rear MICHELIN City Grip 64S 104 87-9871 84.95 150/70-13 Scooter Rear MICHELIN Power Pure Scooter 64S 103 87-9817 95.95 150/70-13 Scooter Rear PIRELLI Angel Scooter 64S 114 871-5212 85.95 150/70-13 Scooter Rear PIRELLI Diablo Rosso SC 64S 114 871-5161 109.95 150/70-13 Scooter Rear PIRELLI Diablo Scooter 64S 115 871-5026 106.95 150/70-13 Scooter Rear SHINKO SR568 64S 89 87-4504 59.95 14” WHEELS 2.75-14 ADV / Dual Front/Rear SHINKO 244 Series 35P 93 87-4400 $33.95 2.75-14 ADV / Dual Front/Rear SHINKO SR241 35P 93 87-4440 36.95 90/90-14 Scooter Front PIRELLI Diablo Scooter 46P 115 871-5030 86.95 100/90-14 Scooter Rear MICHELIN City Grip Reinf 57P 104 87-9873 84.95 100/90-14 Scooter Rear PIRELLI Diablo Scooter Reinf 57P 115 871-5031 112.95 110/80-14 Scooter Rear MICHELIN City Grip Reinf 59S 104 87-9874 100.95 110/80-14 Retro Front/Rear PIRELLI MT15 Reinf 59J 117 871-5120 61.95 120/70-14 Scooter Front MICHELIN City Grip 55S 104 87-9723 84.95 120/70-14 Scooter Front PIRELLI Angel Scooter 55P 114 871-5227 70.95 120/70-14 Scooter Front PIRELLI Diablo Scooter 55S 115 871-5004 104.95 120/70-14 Scooter Front SHINKO SR567 55S 89 87-4283 52.95 120/70R-14 Scooter Front PIRELLI Diablo Rosso SC 55H 114 871-5037 107.95 120/80-14 Scooter Front IRC MB67 58S 124 87-5433 88.95 120/80-14 Scooter Front MICHELIN Power Pure Scooter 58S 103 87-9807 130.95 120/80-14 Scooter Rear PIRELLI Angel Scooter 58P 114 871-5202 93.95 120/80-14 Scooter Front PIRELLI Diablo Rosso SC 58S 114 871-5173 99.95 120/80-14 Scooter Front PIRELLI Diablo Scooter 58S 115 871-5005 96.95 120/80-14 Scooter Front SHINKO SR567 58S 89 87-4284 58.95 TIRE REFERENCE Continued on the next page TIRES
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